Thursday, November 02, 2006


This week we found ourselves in the role of examiners for the two graduating students on the Masters Programme in Family Medicine. Over the last fortnight they've done MCQs, written papers, clinical case exams and vivas in each of Surgery, Medicine, Paediatrics and O&G. A huge burden for them and something we hope to change. They've both done OK and probably better than I would have done!
Fortunately for us the external examiner, Atai, came from the departmentof Family Medicine in Kampala. She's a bright and dynamic Ugandan woman who has been the Head of Department there for 3 years. Now, finally, after several long conversations with her, we've begun to understand what's expected of us and can start to make plans.
These revolve around establishing a proper department of Family Medicine, with office space and lecturing staff and some form of clinical component to it's activity. Initially we'll be looking at creating a presence in the outpatient department of the University Hospital here. Many of the patients self refer to outpatients even though they have problems that can be dealt with easily in Primary Care (chest infections, hypertension, malaria). Given that Primary Care isn't well established some form of Primary Care clinic as a first stop seems sensible and works elsewhere... Needless to say it'll have to go through a lot of committees.....

1 comment:

James and Leesha said...

Hi Mark and Jan. Just found your blog and read everything so far. Best pic is Jan listening to the Archers on the net.
Everything sounds really hard but also that you are making a difference already.
Leesh thinks your hair looks great Jan and do you want any products sending?
I was wondering whether some of your blog posts might make a good piece for HM - I could edit to fit. What do you think?
Is there anything much we in the comfortable UK can do to support you or help at all?
Lots of love to you both.