Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Says........................................... Means.....

You slope...................................Go downhill

Extend.......................................Move up

Branch (right)...........................Turn (right)

I am not picking you............... I can’t understand a thing you’re saying

You are welcome......................Not much

Yes please.................................No thank you

I love you..................................Please give me money

Hey, mzungu, we go?...............Would you like to get on the back of my motorbike, the brakes don’t work, there’s no helmet, I’m 15 years old and possibly drunk

It is my best price....................It’s probably twice what it should be but, hey, it’s still only 15p

You mean now now?...............You seriously expect me to do it this week?

It can work...............................Not a bad idea

It will work...............................Not a bad idea, are you going to do it?

Are you saved?........................Can I talk to you for the next 30 minutes about Jesus and abstinence?

I have malaria.........................I’ve been feeling slightly unwell for the last couple of hours, please give me some of your finest toxic drugs. No, I don’t need a blood test, I just know it’s malaria.